Horse Care Articles

Finding The Best Bloodline For You

August 18, 2014
Bailee Murnion

Today I would like to touch on one of my favorite topics: bloodlines! The horse breeding and marketing industry has become highly specialized over the years and horse breeders all across the country are now breeding for a specific end result. Whether it be reining, jumping, western pleasure, cutting, team roping or barrel racing, there are specific […]

Riding with Buck Brannaman: The Conclusion

August 16, 2014
Jenn Zeller

In previous discussions about my time riding with Buck, we discussed what to look for when deciding to attend a clinic, how effective his clinics are, and how to get the most out of the experience. We’ll wrap up this series today by talking about how the experience benefited my business, and why I would […]

Riding with Buck: Part 5

August 14, 2014
Jenn Zeller

Now that we know what classes are offered, let’s talk about what classes I’ve participated in and watched while at his clinics. I have now ridden in every class he has to offer, save Colt Starting, Foundation Horsemanship and Cow Work – though we’ve done plenty of Cow Work in all the H2 classes I’ve […]

Parrot Mouth In Horses

August 13, 2014
Jessie Salter

I recently experienced my first true exposure to a parrot mouthed horse. I’d heard the term before, and knew what the general meaning was, but I’d never really explored further.  My family has always raised Quarter Horses and it was never an issue that came up. We raised a well bred yearling colt by an […]

TIM: The Recovery of a Foundered Pony #2

August 12, 2014
Jan Swan Wood

TIM: June 22, 2014 Trim # 2 After a month of new growth time and proper feed, Tim was ready for his second trim. He had adapted to normal walking (no high lift on the knees and hocks!) and was bucking and playing in the corral. Obviously, his body and joint stiffness was gone and […]

How To Attach a Curb Strap or Chain Properly

August 8, 2014
Jan Swan Wood

I have seen an error made in the assembly of a bridle multiple times over the years, and want to caution others against making the same mistake. This concerns those bits with a second rein loop or gag loop where the mouthpiece attaches. I have seen people put their curb strap or curb chain through […]

TIM: The Recovery of a Foundered Pony

July 29, 2014
Jan Swan Wood

TIM arrives, May 25, 2014 TRIM #1: After admiring Tim, a beautiful Welsh type pony for many years, his foundering on grass each year, and his eventual suffering due to lameness, I was finally able to sweet talk his owners into selling him to me. The day they finally gave in, he was unable to […]

A Memorable 4th of July

July 22, 2014
Maria Tibbetts

Growing up, we didn’t have fancy horses. We had “affordable” horses. As the youngest of the WHOLE family (cousins included), I got the old horses, the plodders, the herd-bound, barn sour ones, the ones that had three speeds–walk, trot and faster trot. Don’t get me wrong, they were steady, good-‘nuf kids’ horses. They had just […]

Equine Clinics. Are You And Your Horse Getting Your Money’s Worth?

June 20, 2014
Jessie Salter

Continuing to educate yourself and learn is imperative in all parts of life including your horsemanship.  You can read books, watch videos, and observe, but nothing compares to the real hands-on experience of a clinic.  No matter what your horsemanship level is, we all fit in somewhere in a clinic setting.  So how do you […]

Mare Power?

May 12, 2014
Jessie Salter

We’ve heard it all.   Mares are too unpredictable. Mares don’t get along with other horses. Or the opposite, mares have more heart. Mares are grittier. I’ve had customers flat out tell me “No Way” when I tell them I have a wonderful mare for sale. They won’t even look at her even though she’s […]