From the Branding Pen

Posted in: Featured, Ranch Life, Uncategorized

Horses and cattle swat at flies, their tails never resting.

branding pen, horses, tails

Cowboys reset their horses, to get the least bother on their cows during the sort.

resetting your horse in the sorting pen is important. Branding

Some come. Some go.

Leading your horse through a gate, allows you to stand guard so nothing gets by you.Branding

Stories are swapped. Memories made.

Swapping tall tales in the branding pen.

Quiet hands, with good timing, make quiet horses.

Kind hands make good horses. Branding

In life, you should never look back but in the sorting pen, it’s not always a bad idea.

Don't look back in life. Branding

But it's okay to look back in the branding pen.

Custom details make a saddle yours, and they honor the work you’ve put in to making your brand, and your good bridle horse.

It's all in the details. Branding

I’m sure that sometimes, the stories swapped change as they’re re-told through the years.

Tall tales, horse tails, and flies. Branding.

At the end of the day, they’ll look over a job well-done.

The end of the day. Branding Pen

Happy Trails!

Posted in: Featured, Ranch Life, Uncategorized

About Jenn Zeller

Jenn Zeller is the creative mind and boss lady behind The South Dakota Cowgirl. She is an aspiring horsewoman, photographer, brilliant social media strategist and lover of all things western. After a brief career in the investment world to support her horse habit (and satisfy her...

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