About Rhonda Sedgwick Stearns

Rhonda Sedgwick Stearns is thankful one grandfather from England and another from Missouri settled in Wyoming . . . that they both became involved with horses, cattle and sheep . . . and that she was bles’t to grow up and continue to live within 50 miles of where each of them pioneered. She’s thankful to have been raised in rodeo and privileged to experience that lifestyle while the roots still held. Never interested in writing until the mid-60’s she was pushed into it then, with the privilege of the first thing she ever wrote being published . . . now she’s thankful it’s something you can do even when you’re ancient. She’s particularly thankful for Wally Thiel who long, long ago asked her to pick up his horse news column when he retired . . . resulting in 21 years of “Over the Corral Fence” columns and her ongoing happy relationship with Tri-State LivestockNews.

Posts by Rhonda Sedgwick Stearns