
Equine Clinics. Are You And Your Horse Getting Your Money’s Worth?

June 20, 2014
Jessie Salter

Continuing to educate yourself and learn is imperative in all parts of life including your horsemanship.  You can read books, watch videos, and observe, but nothing compares to the real hands-on experience of a clinic.  No matter what your horsemanship level is, we all fit in somewhere in a clinic setting.  So how do you […]

Family Time

June 14, 2014
Rachel Larsen

Family time on our outfit usually consists of work of some sort.  When you live for your work, as my husband does, you are successfully sharing your passion with the people you love and as a bonus they’re free help.  Despite good intentions, days of family togetherness on horseback can go from pleasant to miserable […]

From Ranch To Arena

May 14, 2014
Justin Lawrence

I want to base my blogs on my background in the ranch and how I used it to be successful in the arena. First and foremost I believe in wet saddle blankets.  By this I mean that in order for your horse to be enjoyable to ride he should be given a job and know […]

Mare Power?

May 12, 2014
Jessie Salter

We’ve heard it all.   Mares are too unpredictable. Mares don’t get along with other horses. Or the opposite, mares have more heart. Mares are grittier. I’ve had customers flat out tell me “No Way” when I tell them I have a wonderful mare for sale. They won’t even look at her even though she’s […]

The Buckskin Filly 1: Meet Mayday

May 8, 2014
Jessie Salter

Ever have that special one?  You know from the first day you lay eyes on them that they will be great.  Who’s to say if they will be the grand champion, or arena record holder?  Only one thing is for certain. They will always have a special place in your heart no matter what they […]

Is Your Horse Stressed? Recognizing The Signs And How You Can Help

May 6, 2014
Jessie Salter

As spring settles in we may be making some changes in our horse’s lifestyle.  Adjustments such as, more frequent riding, travel, and feed changes take place.  Let’s assume you are taking all the right steps with smooth transitions in diet and exercise, and that you know your horse’s personality and quirks. They all have them, […]

Welcome to CavvySavvy!

April 4, 2014
Abbey Smith

Hello! My name is Abbey Smith from Reno Nevada. I am so happy to introduce you to our new website focused on the ranch and performance horse world. Our mission is: “Offering owners, trainers, and equine professionals a common channel to celebrate performance and working ranch horses, their ownership from beginning to end and the […]

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