
Down The Fence. A Working Cow Horse Movie Project.

October 2, 2014
Jessie Salter

Beautiful and talented horses, passionate trainers….What’s not to love?  We thought this project looked amazing.  If you like working horses, and quality horsemanship, then this is one you might want to follow. Amazing photography and cinematography! This looks like a movie I’d love to watch!  We will keep you posted here with the progression of […]

A List of Things To Go Wrong

October 1, 2014
Tayler Teichert

High school graduation was nearing and I had no clue what I was going to do with my life. I was panicked because I didn’t have the perfect plan like all the rest of my classmates and I was wondering if something was wrong with me. A neighbor of ours mentioned something to me that […]

A bit about bits…

September 29, 2014
Jenn Zeller

I see it at least once a week. In a newspaper ad, on Craigslist, in Facebook Horse Groups – someone says they have a short shanked snaffle for sale. I’d like very much to explain to everyone that writes that, that they don’t technically have a snaffle bit available. You have a leverage bit, or […]

Benefits of a Mohair Cinch.

September 26, 2014
Kay Schrock

  People have different needs and desires when choosing a cinch for their horse.  I would like to highlight the benefits of a mohair cinch.  Mohair cinchas were traditionally used before synthetic fibers came onto the scene.  More and more horse owners are going back to this traditional fiber. When selecting a cinch for your […]

Young Rancher and His Team

September 25, 2014

While it might seem using a team of draft horses on Montana ranches is going out of style; for one Eastern Montana ranch it was an old tradition that has become a new favorite. Lane Green of Lazy U Cattle Company in Cohagen, Montana just may be the youngest rancher in Montana to still have […]

That’s No Bull. Training Horses On The Ranch.

September 22, 2014
Jenn Zeller

I started trailing bulls home this week. Their 60 days with the cows are up. Bringing bulls home is probably one of my favorite parts of ranch work. For the past several years on the ranch, it’s been solely my job. Depending on where the bulls are, how much time I have that day, and […]

Saddle Woes, Part Two. The Weak Tree

September 16, 2014

Three hundred sixty-four days after my brother Kyle’s previous saddle incident while pulling bulls, he and I once again found ourselves headed out bring home the last of the bovine males for the year. We had discussed trailering our horses and selves the three miles to the pasture we needed to cover, but he wanted […]

Ranch Work Presents A Horse Training Opportunity

September 15, 2014
Jenn Zeller

While riding a young horse one summer, I had one of those lightbulb moments- a moment that reinforced what I have learned and what I know to be true about riding horses. Those can happen daily if we listen and are in a learning frame of mind each and every time we are in the […]

The Horse Salesman

September 13, 2014

We were sorting pairs to ship home one fall when a gentlemen helped us. He was riding a fat sorrel mare, who tried her darndest to buck him off all the way to the pasture. By buck, I mean she may have caught one inch of air under her hooves as she attempted to heave […]

Communication Between Horse And Rider

September 12, 2014
Jessie Salter

The other day my 5 year old gelding, just up and decided he wasn’t going to load in the trailer.  He’s been in and out of trailers since the day he was born, and of coarse we were on a schedule. So, the first thing I do is get his feet moving, maybe not with […]